Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Stills

Okay, I missed the last couple but I'm back this week. Life has been so completely crazy and I need to take time to do the fun things.

This weeks theme was water and I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do. Initially I thought I'd take some ocean pictures but it's been so freaking cold and windy here I wouldn't dare go near the beach. I had planned on just pulling some from the archives if I had to. But yesterday as we were heading out to go to a wedding, I looked down my street and saw these:


It's been raining a lot for the last couple of days and the mountains are just covered in waterfalls.

Then, as we were driving along, we passed this place called Enchanted Lake. It's usually a marshy area that attracts a lot of water fowl and it's usually nice and blue. All the rain lately has resulted in a lot of run-off and this is what it looks like now:


That brown spot in the middle is Enchanted Lake. Pretty ugly right now.

Then, of course, there is always my favorite - rain drops:


Okay, that's my contribution to the game. I'm off to Sunday Stills to see what everyone else did.


gtyyup said...

The first pic with the water falls is amazing...that's a lot of water!! Look forward to seeing a pic of Enchanted Lake when it's clean...I imagine it's beautiful.

Rising Rainbow said...

What an amazing sight with the waterfalls rolling off of the mountain.

Sherri said...

We have plumeria all over the place. I brought our first plant home from Kauai about 15 years ago, I think. They are plentiful in this part of Florida and further south. I love the fragrance and they and the orange blossoms make balmy evening breezes seem almost like a fantasy.

Loved the pics.

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Gorgeous...can I come? It's so cold and gray here!!!

CTG Ponies said...

Love the flower (especially since we don't have any right now)! All very good but I think the first one is my favorite.

Andrea said...

Loved the first one and the last one....gorgeous photos!!! :)

Lori Skoog said...

Nice shots...this is my debut week, so I am just getting into the swing of things. The next time I will do more than one photo too. Thanks for your comments on my Journal.

VioletSky said...

Rain has some great uses - making more waterfalls!

Regular Guy said...

Finally, I think I can leave a comment. Your waterfall picture is great. That must be an awesome sight. I like your flower shot too.

~ Sara ~ said...

Very nice, the last one is my fav tho.

lv2scpbk said...

I love that flower photo.