Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Stills

This week the subject was architecture. Honestly I got real excited about this subject. Hawaii is kind of psycho about architecture. Prior to western arrival they lived in huts. They had no metal so building anything was pretty much out of the question. They make canoes from whole trees. Then the first westerners arrive and the Hawaiians are fascinated with their boats and things. When the first Missionaries came and they realized the Hawaiians didn't have 'houses' like they were used to, they literally had entire structures dismantled and shipped to Hawaii and rebuilt. Then, of course, the Hawaiians got into building stuff themselves out of locally available material. So Hawaii is a real mixture of strange architecture so I was looking forward to taking some pictures. Then, of course, life got in the way. I found it Friday afternoon with no pictures taken. I had however, found myself at the old Barber's Point Naval Air Station, so I took some pictures there.


I found this church there. I have no idea how old this church is but it is built in the missionary style. Very simple and narrow wood siding. It could be quite old. The missionaries built churches all over the islands and many are still standing.

Right next to the church I found this lovely example of 1960's?? military architecture. I find it hard to believe there was a time anyone ever found this attractive.

Then yesterday I found myself in downtown Honolulu where all the really cool buildings are.


This is Aloha Tower. It was built in the 1920's and at one time the tallest building in Honolulu. This is on the harbor and where the cruise ships come in. It also has a great little center around it where we went for lunch.

Then, just down the road from Aloha Tower, is the Iolani Palace.
There are only 3 royal palaces that sit on American soil and all are in Hawaii(one of them is the Hulihee Palace in Kona and Hulihee is my last name :) This palace was built in the late 1800's just before the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy.

Just across the street from the palace is the Hawaii Supreme Court:
With a rather ornate statue of King Kamehameha I in front of it. This was built around the same time as the palace.

Finally, just a block away is the Kawaiahao Church:
This church was built in 1839 out of coral rocks that were harvested from the ocean. It is still in use today.

Okay, I'm going to stop there. I have tons more pictures which I will save for another day. I'm off to Sunday Stills to see what everyone else did.


VioletSky said...

Ah, spoilt for choice!
I love the Aloha Tower - especially with the palm avenue. It must have looked very lonely before the trees grew up.

Shirley said...

The first two buildings paint a stark contrast to the following photos. Love the avenue of palms.

gtyyup said...

Shirley said it...what a difference!

The buildings in downtown are awesome! The history is also fascinating...nicely done!

Tracey said...

Very lovely buildings...and yes, such a contrast! I love the Aloha shot especially.

The Wife said...

Beautiful! Quite the difference from min! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Seriously Flo, where's the grass hut? I love the last one.

Rising Rainbow said...

It's great to get a look at Hawaii's architecture. They are all beautiful. I think the tower is my favorite too.

At the rate I'm going I'm never going to get there but I do still have lots of curiousity about it so it's fun to see pics.

CTG Ponies said...

Love the palace! Such a blend of styles in your pictures.

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

The Aloha Tower!!! Man, I haven't been there in years. The husband and I used to go to a Mexican restaurant there...before we were married.

Great photos :)

Ed said...

Sweet pics!! I've been to the palaces and downtown Honolulu, once again I miss it....

Sherri said...

Great shots, Flo. We have visited all the islands and spent most of our time on Maui and Kauai. I think people who haven't been to Hawaii or to only one island, really don't realize how different they are from one to the other. The architecture in Honolulu is really unique. Beautiful.

Jen Mo said...

Wow what great photos! I love all of them, but I really like the tower the best! I would love to one day visit Hawaii, maybe you can go to Ireland and I can go to Hawaii and then we can swap stories!

Andrea said...

WOW!!! Love all of these photos...especially the tower!!! Thanks for sharing a little piece of Hawaii with us. :)

Paula said...

I so enjoyed that tour! My favorite is the Aloha Tower. Really pretty!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I love the White church..beautiful! Actually they are all lovely! :)

J9 said...

Hawaii is a beautiful place, and I think you captured her charming buildings quite well!

Anonymous said...

Great shots of the tower, palace and other downtown places. I believe the second photo is fast food architecture, not military. Now there is a challenge, unique fast food or restaurant shots, the buildings, not the food.