Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sunday Stills

This week has just flown by, here it is Sunday again. This weeks challenge is barns and this lead to a big discovery for me. Barns aren't common here in Hawaii. There are ranches but no barns. The ranch we used to live on had lean-tos for the horses and cows to get shelter but there was no barn anywhere. I realized that might be due to our weather. There pretty much never a time when the animals can't be outside so having a building for them would be a waste. As for farm equipment there is usually a storage shed that stores equipment. Also, we don't even have to keep the feed inside. Inside or out bugs and critters are going to get into it, plus the ranch we lived on was so large they got feed delivered by the container load. So I failed on this challenge but it wasn't for lack of trying. Then I remembered this place:


It kind of looks like a barn and it houses the University of Hawaii's 2 submarines. They only hold two people so are actually called submersibles. The name of this place is Hawaii Underwater Research Lab (HURL) I love that name..... So that's the best I could come up with. I guess I'll visit everyone else and see real barns.


Sherri said...

Flo, you'll feel a lot better after you look at mine! A coastal Gulf town noted for it's fishing and sponging industry does not have any barns and my pics from Hawaii turned up NONE, so I had to improvise.

Love the pic.

MariesImages said...

It does look like a barn! A floating Barn...Ü

Steffie said...

To me this is a barn. Viewed from afar at least. It is a beautiful shot with a very nice atmosphere.

Andrea said...

Love your creativity! Great shot! :)

gigi said...

Thanks for stopping by today and for your welcoming words!

A barn is for storae and protection isn't it?? This does both. I love it!

Tracey said...

Cool. A submarine barn. Lovely photo, no matter if it houses beef or boats!

Ed said...

Hey, a barn houses animals and equiptment, great pic!

Paula said...

A submarine barn. Perfect! And very fun to see~

Regular Guy said...

The HURL Barn, I love it. Kind of like a train barn without the jazzy name. Nice photo.

Far Side of Fifty said...

A SUB barn..excellent! :)

Lori Skoog said...


restoration42 said...

See, yet one more kind of barn. For submarines!!!!!! The photo itself is beautiful. Is there a storm coming?

CTG Ponies said...

Excellent! Very cool submarine "barn".