Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sunday Stills

Today's subject is flowers. Now this is one I can totally get into. Flowers are, by far, one of my favorite things to photograph. Actually, nature, flowers, trees, leaves, are my favorite things it's just that flowers have so much color and they look so pretty. So here are just of couple of the thousands of flower photos I have taken recently:


This is my favorite flower, the plumeria (frangipani for you folks on the mainland).

Flowers 12-18-08

This one is called a parakeet because it's like a bird of paradise only considerably smaller.

Flowers 12-18-08Flowers 12-18-08Flowers 12-18-08Flowers 12-18-08

Here are just a few of the many colors of hibiscus we have. People have crossed and hybridized the hibiscus so much that they now come in almost every color of the rainbow.

double hibiscus

They even come in double. If you look closely you will see this one actually has two sets of petals. This is a special hybrid.

Finally, here's a picture of my neighbor's Lantana. I know this is considered a weed in many parts of the country but I just love it. I think these are the cutest. They look like little bouquets.

That's my offering for today. Now I'm off to see what everyone else did.


Steffie said...

Those are wonderful pictures. Great colours. You must live in a different part of the world from me, because here we pay a lot of money for a Lantana and we have to buy new ones overy year because they never survive winter.

J9 said...

The Lantana are beautiful! And remember a weed is just a plant growing where you don't want it to!

thecrazysheeplady said...

I too love lantanas!

WhimsybyMari said...

Beautiful pictures, I too like lantana's great for a hot summer and hibiscus are also a fav of mine.

Sherri said...

I loved every single pic, Flo. Just beautiful. And the plumeria still is "plumeria" in Florida. :)

The Lantan is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

They are all beautiful. Again, the plumeria makes me want to travel to the islands and that Lantana is, well, I'm ready to go to the garden center to buy some for the summer. I love it. Great pics!

~ Sara ~ said...

And to think I pay good money for someones weeds! :) Great job!

Anonymous said...

I knew you'd have some great shots in this one! Beautiful.

Ed said...

WOW! Love the Parakeet and Lantana, great colors..:-)

Welcome To Wilmoth Farms said...

Great color, great composition beautiful photos!

Tony McQueen said...

Very nice Great job!

Andrea said...

Love the water droplets on that white's my favorite! All the shots are wonderful though! :)

lisa said...

I loved them all but the Lantana is my favorite. Just awesome.

Kelly said...

I love the lantana...beautiful photos!

VioletSky said...

I was looking forward to your posting - and definitely not disappointed! Love the 'parakeet' (bird of paradise is a favourite "drama flower").

The lantana is simply gorgeous, too.

gtyyup said...

Wonderful much color!!! Yes, I love the lantana...never seen it before.

Anonymous said...

Love the Lantana. I bought some to plant as soon as the frost is done.

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Those flowers in the first picture look good enough to eat. I guess they remind me of a wedding cake.

allhorsestuff said...

All nice pics..then the lantana..Wowsa!I could almost smell it too!
Thanks for that!
PS...I was sitting on the ground and the Dandelion Puff is in a raised bed..."~"

Carroll Baker said...

Fantastic photos! I love the colors and the hibiscus!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oooh! The lantana so gorgeous! Such fun colors mixed together.

I like the hibiscus, too. You have some gorgeous flowers there to photograph. You did great!

New Mexico

Patches said...

Beautiful! Weeds or not, those little flowers are darn cute!!!

WildBlack said...

Amazing shots Flo! Good Work!

Anonymous said...

thankyou for posting such vibrantly beautiful flowers, they took me back to my happy holiday @ fiji last year <3

June said...

Lush and lovely! All of it!
The lantana's a pretty little bundle of color, but I think my favorite's the first, the plumeria. I love white flowers with all their secret shadings.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I like the droplets of water on your frangipani flower. yes, in Borneo and Singapore and Malaysia, it is called the frangipani . Another not so flattering name, the Muslims grew them in their cemetary, hence, it is commonly called the graveyard flower. Over there, they come in pink and yellow as well.

Asfor the Lantana, there are many types here. In South East Asia, they don't have a nice name. Don't they have a unpleasant smell?

CTG Ponies said...

Beautiful! I love lantana but it doesn't do well here.

Unknown said...

I like the tropical look of your submission, instead of springtime blooms. The color in the last one makes it my fave!

Anonymous said...

Flo, your pics are so beautiful. Loved all the hibiscu and the bird of paradise as well.

Regular Guy said...

I love that lantana. Ours haven't even begun to show signs of life. That is an interesting combo, ours are straight orange and yellow, no mix. It grows out by the street near the power/cable box where they get lots of sun. Your photos are fantastic by the way.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Simply wonderful photos! I just love the it so cheerful! The parakete is very interesting also! Well done:)

Jen Mo said...

Wow you have some lovely photos!!!! Great job!