Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Stills

I missed last week because Nala passed away. I was absolutely not up for anything last week. I'm still very sad but life goes on. Since the theme this week is religion I decided to play into my dark, sad side. This was taken a couple of weeks (months??) ago when I went to the cemetary. There were lots of religious symbols there but this broken cross really struck me. I took a bunch of pictures of it until I got the one I liked.


Now it's time to go see what everyone else came up with.


Sherri said...

Absolutely fantastic submission, Flo.

J9 said...

Nicely done Flo!

Ed said...

Works well, great shot..:-)

MariesImages said...

GREAT image, kinda reminds me of our country & how religion is broke. We need to repair the foundation of our country.

Tony McQueen said...

Soory about Nala nice choice on your pic

Jen Mo said...

Great shot! and sorry about again about Nala!

Anonymous said...

A cemetery never even crossed my mined for this one. Sorry to hearabout Nala.

Carroll Baker said...

Sorry about Nala, I love the broken cross. Cemetery shots are always so cool and reverent.

WhimsybyMari said...

So sorry about Nala, they become so much a part of our family. I loved your picture it is great.

Andrea said...

Great submission...a very powerful shot. :)

Regular Guy said...

Very good, that is a dramatic photo.

VioletSky said...

broken cross, broken heart.
very nice shot.
so sorry to hear about Nala, it's very hard, I know.

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Awwww, sorry for the loss of your Nala. A broken cross is a disturbing sight.

CTG Ponies said...

A very poignant photo.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Awww, sorry for your loss.

Your photo is creatively done. I like it. :)


Far Side of Fifty said...

Excellent photo! It does convey a sadness.
I am very sorry for your loss, twelve years she was special friend..I am sure you miss her so much :(