I love this one:

These turtles were just sitting there. The one in the back looks like he's trying to figure out what the hold up is.
Okay, using Ed's suggestion of getting very close to the glass to avoid flash washout, I took some pictures of the hippos. They were playing with this giant ball and it really was too funny.

The pics came out okay but I did get reflection of the people.
I took a picture of this handsome boy:

I love peacocks. We have them wild here in Hawaii and their noise is horrible. They sound like a baby crying when they scream and it is freaky. Mostly people don't like when they live nearby. I really don't know if this boy was wild or lived at the zoo.
Then there was the cerval cat:

His enclosure wasn't very big and everyone was looking and couldn't find him. Then I happened to glance down and there he was sleeping in the shade.
Okay, that's enough for now. I have more but I'm bored :)
Very nice, I admit the reflections were a pain in the butt, especially in sunlight. Glad to see ya got to go. When you get to Colorado you have to go to the Denver zoo, its one of the best in the country.
Love the turtles, Flo. I did a painting a couple of years ago that is on the slideshow on my blog page. It's called "Follow Me" and it has a little woodpecker at the top of line of turtles moving up the log. I had seen several photos like yours and taken a couple of them myself and I threw in the woodpecker using artist license. :)
We have peacocks running wild down here in FL, also. They can be a real nuisance when they take over a swimming pool area or someone's parking lot.
Excellent pictures.
Love the one with the turtles.
When I try to avoid flash on glass I stand at a slight angle to what I want to take the picture of.
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