Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Stills - Potluck

It's that time again folks. Today Ed left us to our own devices to come up with a picture. And in a very round about way he is responsible for this picture :) I put together a collage of animal butts yesterday (see post below) and that got me to thinking about my Africa pictures and I just had to post this one today. It's a little racy, definitely not PG, so proceed at your own risk.

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Ed said...

Absouloutly FANTASTIC!!!!! I always wondered about that ;-)

gtyyup said...

LOL...I think you took Ed for his word...yep, it's his fault!! Great photo though~~

VioletSky said...

I think that one on the far right is getting ideas...

good catch!

Linda said...

I'm envious! Good job Flo.

AVCr8teur said...

Now, I've never seen giraffes do that at the zoo. Haha! I guess you have to be there at the right place & time.

J9 said...

Ed did say it could be anything - I guess he's lucky we've all kept it PG ;)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice capture! LOL :)

Anonymous said...

Great shot, never seen that one before. I like the collage too.

Rising Rainbow said...

LOL! Definitely my kind of pic....breeding horses and blogging I get asked all kinds of questions about such stuff. I mean, the nature channel does why not? LOL

Paula said...

It's the perfect action shot! Too funny. I think we all wish we had that one in our archives~

Caffienated Cowgirl said... obsession! I love this photo :)

Andrea said...

Love this pic!! lol!!! A great photo!!

Gee said...

so super!!!