It's that time again folks. Today Ed left us to our own devices to come up with a picture. And in a very round about way he is responsible for this picture :) I put together a collage of animal butts yesterday (see post below) and that got me to thinking about my Africa pictures and I just had to post this one today. It's a little racy, definitely not PG, so proceed at your own risk.
Absouloutly FANTASTIC!!!!! I always wondered about that ;-)
LOL...I think you took Ed for his word...yep, it's his fault!! Great photo though~~
I think that one on the far right is getting ideas...
good catch!
I'm envious! Good job Flo.
Now, I've never seen giraffes do that at the zoo. Haha! I guess you have to be there at the right place & time.
Ed did say it could be anything - I guess he's lucky we've all kept it PG ;)
Nice capture! LOL :)
Great shot, never seen that one before. I like the collage too.
LOL! Definitely my kind of pic....breeding horses and blogging I get asked all kinds of questions about such stuff. I mean, the nature channel does it...so why not? LOL
It's the perfect action shot! Too funny. I think we all wish we had that one in our archives~
Africa...my obsession! I love this photo :)
Love this pic!! lol!!! A great photo!!
so super!!!
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