Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Photoshop question

I know a lot of photo nuts pass through here and I have a question for you all. I'm thinking of getting photoshop because the free programs that I now use for my photos, Picasa, Flickr, etc, don't do all the things I would like to do with my photos. My question to you is which photoshop should I get? Or, is there another free program I should be looking at for editing my pictures?? Thanks for your help.

Edited to add: Thanks for your input. As Ed reminded me I do have a program that came with my camera, and someone else recommended Photoshop Express. Between those two I can now do what I want to with my photos. Thanks all. I'm off to take some photos for tomorrow's Sunday Stills. It's a beautiful day in Hawaii and I think I can find lots of color :)


Ed said...

For my input I'd say it all depends on that you want to do with the pics. The more expensive, the more you can do.When I get my new faster laptop I'm reinstalling my Nikon Capture software so I can shoot RAW and be able to convert to JPEG. Popular photo magazine online has some good articles on this.

Jo said...

GIMP is free and will do everything Photoshop will do without the HUGE pricetag to go with it. Corel Paintshop Pro Photo is another good one that I started with that will do everything for about $100. There is a 30 day free trial to see if you like it! Just some thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Flo..
I'm really knew in photo editing and have tried Corel Paint Shop Pro X2, PS CS4 and PS Elements 7. I've found that PS Elements 7 has the simplest and easiest tool to use for my level of knowledge in photo editing.
And of coz it all are the cracked version.. ;)