So when I went out just now to take the garbage out I couldn't help but notice the full moon rising in the east. I ran and got my camera.
I took this with the night photo setting on the camera (I guess that's what it's called) and I was steadying the camera on my neighbors mailbox :) I like how this came out but it has more of a halo then it does in real life. So I decided to play with my camera a little.
This one I took with the camera set on no flash and steadied on my neighbors mailbox. This one caused the shutter to stay open a looooooong time. It's interested but even more of a halo so that didn't really work. This one almost looks like the sun.
On that note, tomorrow we are expecting a big storm and I'm going to try and get some rain shots, not falling rain but things with rain drops. Interesting huh??
I missed the moon shot yesterday. At least I got to see it through your photos.
Photos look great... nice thinking.... :)
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