Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Stills - Luck

After the craziness of the past couple of weeks I'm back with time for my camera. This week's theme for Sunday Stills is LUCK. I am a person who believes in not so much luck (I really beieve you make your own luck) but in omens and signs that things are going right. I believe that if you make a decision and then things you never even dreamed of go wrong, you might want to rethink that decision. I'm not saying if something is hard you shouldn't do it, but if something is near impossible you might want to reconsider. I'm not making sense but I believe there is an order and a flow to things and when following the 'correct' path things usually work out right. For example, I decided to go to grad school. I decided late in the summer when technically I shouldn't have been able to get in, yet everything fell into place with almost a divine speed. I knew this was what I was supposed to do at this point in time. Make sense???

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I decided it was time to make a break from work. I was thinking that I'd go part time so I could focus on my schooling but work thought I could be let go completely. At first this scared me. UNEMPLOYED!!!! Then the more I thought about it I realized it wasn't the end of something but the beginning of something new. I got very excited about it and really started to look forward to it. Then, I drive to work the next day thinking about what my new life will look like and as I get out of the car I see this. We get rainbows a lot here in Hawaii, but usually when it rains and generally not in this direction. I had to be there at just the right time to see this and with what I was thinking about I took this as a sign that things are going as they should be.

So I took this as a sign that I was doing the right thing. Some might call that lucky.

Now I'm off to see who else played in Sunday Stills.


gtyyup said...

I love your outlook on're just can't put a square peg into a round just doesn't work, so why try to make it work?

Beautiful rainbow!

threecollie said...

That was a great omen and a great photo as well.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Great outlook, and a great rainbow! :)

Ed said...

Great story and pic.

Heather said...

What great timing for a great pic! How wonderful to have a story to go with it!

I like your about me, I'm the same way, wondering what I'll be when all my birds fly the coup!