Last weekend

Well, I didn't get out today. I had to finish up some schoolwork and that took the majority of the day. The good news is it's all done and I'm going to devote 1/2 hour every day to photography. I'll either read and learn something or actually take pictures. I'm very excited about that. But I still have some pictures from last weekend to post.

Rainy Day 11-22-08 I saw this tree and wanted to stop to take pictures of the white flowers.

Rainy Day 11-22-08A closer look showed that those weren't flowers but white leaves.

Rainy Day 11-22-08The interesting part was look at the white and the green leaves. They are different. Cool huh???

Rainy Day 11-22-08Then I noticed this orange flower that was the actual flower of the tree. Fascinating.

This is one of the things I love about photography, not only does it make you look at things differently but you see things you might never otherwise see. I love it!!


Sharkbytes (visit their site)

Any clue what kind of a shrub that is? It's totally, TOTALLY cool.