Monday, May 04, 2009

Yesterday was one of those days...

That was just perfect. Hawaii has nice weather most of the time but we really only get a few days a year that are postcard perfect. Yesterday was one. I, of course, had to go out in it. I headed to a protected scenic coastline. This was the coast looking towards Waikiki:

Sunday May 3, 2009

This is a rock formation that is known as Pele's Chair:

Sunday May 3, 2009

When the goddess Pele is on the island of Oahu (read when the volcano is erupting) she sits in this chair because it faces the Big Island which is her home.

There were a bunch of hang gliders and base jumpers out in the nice weather too:
Sunday May 3, 2009

Notice how over the ocean there is not a single cloud, yet around the mountains there are lots. That's one of the things I love about Hawaii.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. I'm heading off to class now for my "final exam."


Ian Sengco said...

nice photos, but I like the first one the best, just like what you say, it is postcard perfect.

i just started a blog showcasing my love of photography, hope you can come by and please do tell me what you think. thanks.

Sherri said...

Beautiful shots, Flo. I love Pele's Chair.

Ed said...

too cool, love the coastline pic. Good luck with the finals..:-)