Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday Stills

This week's challenge it to use a previous theme, actually 2 previous themes, and take them in black and white. Since I am enamored of B&W photography and usually take them alongside my color photos, this was easy.

My first entry is the lovely Lola. Lola is a dog I am fostering, along with her brother, until she can find a forever home. Isn't she sweet looking?

Lola - one of the fosters

So that was one of the early ones, the pets category.

My next entry is this plant:

Sunday May 3, 2009

I have no idea what it is. It's a weird little weed that was growing on the coast where I took a hike a couple of weeks ago. I found it fascinating for some unknown reason.

That's my entries for today's challenge. I'm going to check in but if you stop by I won't be able to visit until later. I'll be at the Pet Expo all day so I'll try to make my rounds tonight.


Ed said...

Very nice, I hope Lola gets a good home..:-)

Sherri said...

Love the shots! Great job!

Andrea said...

Wonderful shots...Lola is lovely!

VioletSky said...

That looks like one determined weed! Very intriguing.

Good luck on the "final exam".

flowerweaver said...

Nice photos. The plant is a true Cocklebur. We had this kind where I grew up and we used them to make animals by sticking them onto each other. Somewhere in my treasure trove of childhood there are bride and groom poodle dogs made out of these! Thanks for taking me "back"!

Anonymous said...

Loved the one of your puppy dog. So sweet.

WhimsybyMari said...

She has beautiful eyes I hope she finds a forever home soon. Great pictures.

Regular Guy said...

Lola has a devilish grin going. Very nice shot. Good for you, for fostering dogs. I tried that once. I kept him for 12 years.

Anonymous said...

oow lola looks like a mischievious but sweet dog
:) i hope you find a loving family for her

p.s great b&w's here x

Anonymous said...

Very good shots. Hope Lola gets a wonderful doggy home.

CTG Ponies said...

Very nice! I hope Lola finds a wonderful forever home.

Unknown said...

Oh my, Lola looks like such a sweet puppy. How could you give her up?

Kelly said...

What a sweet face! I'm sure someone will fall in love with it!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I really liked that last photo..very interesting! Hope Lola finds a great family, every dog deserves one! :)