Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Stills: Color

Today's challenge is color. This was an interesting one for me. I've taken tons of pictures of color, just scroll down and you'll see them. I love taking pictures of flowers and plants, all very colorful. But today I decided to take a little different route. I know many of you are in the frozen tundra, so I headed out yesterday to take some pictures of the colors of Hawaii.


It's hard to see but there are 4 different colors of blue in the ocean here. The different colors have to do with the depth of the water and what's on the bottom.


Here you can easily see 3 different colors.

Then of course, there are the various greens of the hills.

Okay, I'll stop there. My favorite colors though are the ones found in nature. Also, this gave me an excuse to play with the landscape (or whatever it's called) setting on my camera. This is the one thing I'm going to miss when we move away from here, all the beautiful colors of the ocean. But I bet there's some beautiful colors in Colorado too.

Okay, I'm off to Sunday Stills to see what color everyone else came up with.


Caffienated Cowgirl said...

I just love that blue water. so many shades of the color...from the water to the sky. I've been there many times...and I could stand and stare all day.

Sherri said...

Oh, my gosh! I am so glad you commented on my blog. You live in my most favorite place in the world. Love all those islands. We were on Maui for 16 days last May and I did a photo journal on my blog of that trip. It was our 5th to the islands and we hope we're not done yet.

Adding you to my favorites. You nailed the colors, alright. LOL

Paula said...

Wow! All are beautiful but that first shot is incredible. I'm jealous of your warmth and blue sea's. Our sea's are a bit gray (okay very gray!) and choppy this time of year.

J9 said...

I love blue tropical waters!

Ed said...

This is why I miss Hawaii!!! Beautiful pics as usual...Ed

gtyyup said...

Oh my...I bet it's warm too!!! ;~)

Absolutely love the multiple shades of blue in the ocean...beautiful~~

Andrea said...

Your photos are so lovely to look at in the middle of cold Canadian winter....fantastic colours!! :)

Welcome To Wilmoth Farms said...

Wow! What a breath of fresh air today here while I've been freezing in the snow! GREAT photos!

Misty DawnS said...

*sigh* You certainly have some beautiful scenes with beautiful colors. Can I come visit? I'm just a little bitty thing, you won't even know I'm there ;-)

Misty DawnS said...

Just saw that you are a featured blogvertise blogger - Yay for you!

Cindy said...

What beautiful photos, and it looks warm there! We have been going through a real cold spell so your area looks especially inviting right now.

roentare said...

The colour is in deed surreal for sure!

Anonymous said...

beautiful! nice shots

Your blog has been given an award! check it out:

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Wow, you do a great job with your camera....gorgeous shots! I'm also a sucker for collages (you may have noticed!) so I thank you for sharing the lovely butts in the next post :o)
Thanks for visiting us!

VioletSky said...

How did I miss you last week?? These are gorgeous colours, and so WARM looking.

BTW can I steal your Sunday Stills button?