Saturday, January 24, 2009

Animal Butts

I was looking at Ed's pictures from the zoo and thinking I really need to go to the zoo to photograph some animals. Then I remembered I had my photos from Africa. When we were in Africa many of the pictures we took of animals ended up being their butts because they would see the jeep and turn away. So I thought I would share a collage of animal butts from Africa.

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Ed said...

Cool pics, I'd give almost anything to go on a safari/photoshoot in Africa. Where were these taken?

Marites said...

I would love to go to Africa someday and hopefully, they just don't show their butts for me:)

gtyyup said...

Great collage of photos!! Very fun...I bet you had a great time on the trip!

mona said...

this is fantastically hilarious! great pics too! :D