Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Keeping the old posts

 I had forgotten this blog existed to be honest.  It's been years since I used it. But after writing my last, newest post, I went back and looked at some of the photos here and I was impressed. I'm not a bad photographer and if I put some real effort into it I could probably be pretty good. But some of these pictures brought back such memories. Hawaii is a beautiful place and somewhere I would frequently just travel around with my camera. What fun I had. Many of these posts start with, nothing was going on so I headed out to....... That's awesome. I want to be like that again. Of course, I've structured my life here so that I'm inside most of the time and that has to do with the summer weather. Even if I wanted to go out there are times when it is just too bloody hot. 

I've been thinking about Hawaii lately and I'm wondering if it's time for a visit. I do miss it somewhat, but I think I miss what it was when we first moved there. I miss the slow pace and the beautiful weather. I do not miss the crowds and the lines and the tourists. I just don't. I've often wondered if I would live there again and the truth of the matter is, I don't think so. I just went and looked at our old house and the crappy neighbors are gone - thank god. If they weren't there it's possible we would have stayed there longer. But then thoughts like these always lead me to where would we be now if that had happened? Would I have gotten the job that I love? Would we have made the friends we have? Would we be in the house we are in now? So many things hang on one decision, it's crazy. 

Okay, I've done enough traveling down memory lane, it's time to look forward. 

Monday, October 09, 2023

Repurposing an old blog.

 I have a few blogs and I hate to let them just sit if I'm not using them anymore. This one was when I was really into photography but, as happens, life got in the way and I'm not in it so much anymore. But I have moved on to other ventures, one of which is trying to get my little craft business off the ground. To do that I need space to think. And I think best when I'm writing. My mind focuses better and I find out things I wasn't even sure of. So I'm going to use this blog as a way to help myself understand my little craft business and help me through the rough spots. 

What I'm trying to figure out right now is who is my perfect customer. This is proving difficult because I don't really have consistent customers, so it's hard to determine who would be my perfect customer. So I'm going to try and work it out here. 

I know who she's not. And yes, I believe she is primarily female because of the type of things I make. 

She is not someone who likes things all modern and sleek. The things I make are more homey and rustic. 

So that means, she is more homey and rustic. 

She is not some high powered executive who works a lot. 

So that means she is someone who spends time with her family and friends. 

She is not someone who has to have all name brand stuff. 

So that means she is someone who like custom, personal, handmade. She prefers to give gifts or even buy things, that are meaningful. 

She is not someone who shops only at the big name stores. 

She is someone who takes pride in supporting small businesses and prefers to do that if she can. 

She is environmentally conscious and would rather buy things made of natural material than plastics. 

She is probably a crafter herself and likes to support other crafters by buying their wares. 

She is friendly and people say she is fun to be around. 

She is generous with people she loves and is always on the lookout for something that will make them smile. 

She buys gifts for all the big occasions, but also for no reason at all. If she sees something that someone will like she will buy it just because. 

She probably uses Facebook more than anything, but she really doesn't like social media. She has accounts to keep up with friends. 

She enjoys quirky, funny things and has a great sense of humor. 

Monday, December 31, 2012

Another new lens

Today I got my zoom lens in the mail. Woo Hoo!!!!  Now I have a zoom, fish eye, macro, and the lens the camera came with. I think I'm set for awhile. Playing with the new zoom today:

Weed in the yard, even this looks nice

Birds from across the yard, easier to get them when I'm not close

One of my roses, just beautiful. I love how the rose is in focus and everything behind it is blurred. I just love that look. 

Mr. Clouseau in portrait mode with zoom lens

I am loving this new lens. I love both of my new lenses. I have also ordered a camera bag because a) hubby stole the one I had and b) it would be too small to hold all my new stuff. So a new, cool on is winging it's way to me now. 

Tomorrow I start my photo a day. I'm really looking forward to it because it will force me to pick up a camera every day, but I'm also dreading it a little because I don't want it to feel like pressure. I need to make it a fun part of my day and, if I can't use the camera, I have my phone - as long as I take a picture a day. 

It's going to be a good year, it really is.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Playing with macro

Auto macro
Macro with a 400 ISO
400 ISO macro
1200 ISO macro - this one looks so much better then the first one.
1200 ISO macro - again, I like this one better.
800 ISO Macro In the last few days I have learned more about my camera and how to use it then I have in the 3-4 years I've owned it. Fun stuff. Above are some macro photos I took using different settings. I've labeled the photos with the settings and in general I like the 1200 ISO better. These were taken late afternoon when the sun had already sunk behind the mountains. That makes sense because the higher the ISO the more light comes in, the more sensitive the sensor. Okay, I'm really starting to get this stuff. It's slow, but it's coming.

Something I noticed after posting these, in the first picture the only part in focus is the front part, the back part is blurry. But in the second one, the 400 ISO, the whole thing is clear.  Interesting.....

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


So I'm working on really learning to use my camera as more then a large point and shoot. One thing I've never understood was ISO. So I read up on how to change it on my camera and I've been playing. Here are a series of shots I took starting with a low ISO and getting larger:
This is what works for me. I can read about it a thousand times but when I see the difference it makes sense to me. So a lower ISO lets in more light, while a higher ISO lets in less light. Now I get it. And I can change the ISO on my camera on the fly now. Baby steps......

Return from the abyss

I am back. It has been over a year. For over a year I have not taken out my camera. I have not lost myself in the world of photography. Well, that has ended. I love photography. I love looking at things in a different way. I love seeing if I can make what I see transfer to film (so to speak). But the other day a Groupon came through for an online photography class. I signed up for it and have been watching it. It has really sparked my interest in photography again. So much so that I went on eBay and bought 2 new lenses. I got one already. It's a fish eye with a macro, and have taken some cool pictures:
I'm learning to use the fish eye and the macro is really macro. It's awesome. I also have a serious zoom coming. I think part of the reason I lost interest was the limitations by the lens that comes with the camera. These new lenses are providing me endless opportunities to play in a new way. I love it. So I'm back and starting on January 1, I will be doing a photo a day. I'm looking forward to it and can't wait to see what turns up.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Stills

Can you believe another week has gone by already??? Ugh!!!

Today's challenge was to do a self-portrait. Here is mine:

So here's my dilemma.... I took a picture of myself so how did my Mother's face get there? Hmmm....when did I become my mother????

Off to Sunday Stills to see who else played today.